The UBS Optimus Foundation launched their regional office in Hong Kong on May 7, 2013. This is part of their effort to expand their philanthropic operations in Asia Pacific. The UBS Optimus Foundation supports 45 projects across Asia and will use the new office to engage UBS clients, as well as to build relationships with Asian families looking for philanthropic opportunities focused on improving the lives and the potential of children. The appointment of Wei Wei as the Director for the Asia Pacific division was also announced at the launch.
Established in 1999, the UBS Optimus Foundation focuses on the improvement of children’s health, education and protection. It ensures that all client donations are properly utilized by partnering with established organizations and by supporting projects that are innovative and needs-based.
“Young children are the most vulnerable members of society, yet represent our future. Despite Asia’s rapid growth, the family remains a primary building block in Asian societies. Family values include an exceptionally strong sense of responsibility towards the well-being of future generations,” said Kathryn Shih, CEO, APAC, of UBS Wealth Management. “We are proud to be opening the UBS Optimus Foundation office here to give our clients the opportunity to practice these Asian values. Good teachers, engaged parents, and access to high-quality healthcare for children are priorities for the Foundation.”

“Our clients in Asia have a strong sense of social responsibility and an appetite for practical philanthropy, so we seek to provide them with a range of practical opportunities to support children in need,” said UBS Optimus Foundation CEO Phyllis Costanza. In the Philippines, the UBS Optimus Foundation’s beneficiaries include Magic Glasses and Teach for the Philippines.